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The Administrative Discretionary Powers Of Maritime Administrative Punishments On Program Control

Posted on:2013-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395961289Subject:Administrative law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Administrative penalty is one of the most important administrative acts, and, It is also one of the most powerful means of administrative management. For many reasons of subjective and objective in the process of administrative punishment, the exercise of administrative penalties will inevitably associated with discretion. From a different angle, Discretion is the most difficult problem that hard to control in administrative punishment. Maritime administrative punishment is a very special class of administrative penalties, it has both the general issues of administrative penalties, and also has its own special problems. Control of the maritime administrative penalty discretion is also the core issue of the maritime administrative enforcement.In this article,we investigate the control of the maritime administrative punishment discretion from a procedural position and account that the program is a powerful weapon to control the abuse of this article,we lay the foundation for further study from introduction of the basic concepts of maritime administrative punishment, demonstrate the special significance of the program for the control of the administrative penalty discretion,and analysis three basic system of punishment procedures systematically, pointed out and analyzed detailly where the problem of the current system order to achieve the purpose of the control of the maritime administrative penalty discretion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Maritime Administrative Punishments, Administrative Discretionary Powers, ProgramControl
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