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The Legal Analysis And Reference Of Drunk Driving In United States

Posted on:2014-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D L WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the Criminal Law Amendment (Eight),‘drive a motor vehicle on roadsin drunk condition, criminal detention and concurrently be sentenced to a fine’, drunkdriving began to be a crime. The crime of drunk driving had played a very deterrent effect,which not only was welcomed by most people, but also made the number of drunkendriving and drunk driving decline dramatically. In United States, drunk driving is a kind ofmore common crime, which has a long history and a relatively complete legal system, sothis paper first analyzes the three kinds of BAC limits of drunk driving in United States (alldrivers, young drivers, and professional drivers), alcohol tests, treatment of intoxication,including intoxication caused by alcohol and non-alcohol. Finally after analyzing the crimeof drunk driving in China, the paper put forward some advice of improving law system ofdrunk driving, including the BAC limits of drunk driving, the ‘recidivism’ of drunk driving,drunk driving in ‘non-drunk’ circumstance and ‘drugged driving’.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drunk Driving, Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC), Alcohol Test, Intoxication, ‘drugged driving’
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