Hindu extremism is on the theoretical basis of the identity of Hindutva, on thestructural basis of The Sangh Parivar, by the method of violence to fight back theMuslims and Christians,and with the aim of building a Hindu nation-state exclusivelyfor the Hindu majority. Since1980s, the impact of Hindu extremism has beenenhancing. The frequency of the occurrence of Religious bloodshed is increasingsignificantly and is paid much more attention.Hindusim and Semitic religions are two totally different social and culturalphenomena. The former has the trait of mutiple idolatry and religious tolerance, and itresists religious conversion; while the latter oppose mutiple idolatry, advocatereligious freedom and religious conversion, consequently, there is a structuralcontradiction between them. Both India’s colonial government and the governmentafter independence accepted the notions of secularization and state neutrality, whichmakes Hinduism face the pressure of competition from foreign religion and compelsHindu groups reform Hinduism complying with Semitic religions model. This makesHindusim extremism come into being.Ever since1990s, the regime of long-term governing of National Congress basevolved into a coalition competition system between National Congress and BharatiyaJanata Party. With the promotion of the logic of election politics, religious pluralismin India provides fertile soil for Sectarianism, and Hinduism extremism has beenchallenging the building of Nation-state of India. For one thing, Hinduism extremistsuphold that Nation building should be on the basis of Hindutva, and that Muslims andChristians should be excluded, Which is quite different from the theory of modernNation building. And then the misplacement between the core of ‘Nation’ and thecrust of ‘State’ in theory is the inner logic that brings about the ruthless sectarianstrives now and then in practice in India. For another, in terms of State building, theimpact of Hiduism is complex: Firstly, with the advocation of Hinduism extremism, race, religion and caste groups of all kinds have been organized themselves andparticipated in politics, and the result is that the political system cannot bear theoverload of democracy; Secondly, sectarianism has been dissipating the authorities ofthe federation and then makes it impossible to integrate resources of the nation;Thirdly, Hinduism extremism challenges secularism and deteriorates politicsenvironment in India. All of these impair the ability of the state to control society andthen block State building of India. At the same time, with the impact of the medianvoter theorem, Bharatiya Janata Party Will gradually give up their extremism andchooses middle-of-the-road line to win centrist voters, consequently, the regime canalso restrict Hinduism extremism. |