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Man's Existence Form And Build A Harmonious Society

Posted on:2014-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330398958522Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the practice main body scope and the level,the existence mode ofhumans can be divided into individual existence, group existence and class existence.Correspond to the existence mode of humans, harmonious society can be divided intoindividual harmony, group harmony and class harmony. Harmonious society isorganic unity of individual harmony, group harmony and class harmony, is overallharmony of a person and himself, people and society and human and nature.Construction of socialist harmonious society is not only a major strategicobjective but also a major strategic initiative. At present, there are many problems inthe building process of socialist harmonious society, and there are manydisharmonious factors in the economy and society development. Therefore, how tobuild harmonious society is still a very important question. As the main body, peopleare inseparable to the building of harmonious society. Both in theory and in practice,from the perspective of existence form of human are significant to the construction ofharmonious society. This article discussed the building of harmonious society fromthe existence mode of human perspective, analyzed the main body existence mode ofharmony, and expounded individual harmony, group harmony and class harmony andunity of them, and finally put forward the building thinking of harmonious societybased on horizon of human existence mode.In addition to introduction, the article is divided into three parts:The first part: about the existence mode of human as the main body of theharmony. Individual existence includes nature existence, main body existence andsociety existence. Group is the middle hierarchy between individual and class,Individual exists in group, depends on the group, and group provides necessaryconditions for individual development. Class is unique existence mode and differentfrom animals, and class is unity of human on the basis of practice in social relations,at the same time, class is human existence mode of finished essence unified state.The second part: about three kinds of harmonious form corresponding to humanexistence mode. Individual harmony is the basis and premise of group harmony and class harmony, individual harmony is self harmony, embodies physiology andpsychology harmony, material needs and spiritual needs harmony, and personalityharmony. Group harmony includes harmony of individual and individual, individualand group and between different groups; its essence is to achieve harmony betweenpeople, between people and society. To build socialist harmonious society, we shouldpay attention to realize the harmony between different groups in our country. Relativeto the individual and group harmony, class harmony includes the harmony of humanand nature as well as the internal harmony of human society. Three kinds of harmonyinterrelated, highly unified.The third part: about harmonious society building from the angle of humanexistence mode. To analyze the building of harmonious society from the angle ofhuman existence mode, the key is should highlight the subject status of the people,promote the unity of individual harmony, group harmony and class harmony. Thepursuit of individual harmony, group harmony and class harmony is the value demandof harmonious society, while scientific development is the realistic foundation torealize three kinds of harmony. At the same time, people is the subject to buildharmonious society, therefore should pay attention to person’s shape. Finally, weshould realize the interactive symbiosis of harmonious society building and people’sall-round development in scientific development process.
Keywords/Search Tags:human existence mode, harmonious society, individual, group, class
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