Plug-and-play is the key of networked smart sensor realization. With the title“Networked Smart Sensor Plug-and-play Realization Mechanism and Method”, thethesis systematically researches on the plug-and-play mechanism and method forwired and wireless sensor interface and network interface of networked smart sensor.It has important academic value and practical significance for development ofnetworked smart sensor plug-and-play technology, promotion various industriesautomation, networked and intelligence. The research work is supported by theTechnology Support Project of Guangzhou (2009Z2-D531), Industrial ResearchProject of Guangdong Science and Technology Department (2008B010400043) andNew Century Excellent Researcher Award Program from Ministry of Education ofChina (NCET-08-0211).The thesis summarizes the domestic and foreign research progress from IEEE1451smart sensor plug-and-play, wired interface plug-and-play, wireless interfaceplug-and-play and UPnP technology. This thesis research is determine according tonetworked smart sensor plug-and-play application requirement and implementdifferentiation. Primary work includes:⑴参Aiming at the dynamic random access data communication mode and thebaud rate self-adaption of sensor asynchronous serial interface plug-and-play of IEEE1451wired smart sensor system, an improved CSMA/CD data collision processstrategy and a sorting pulse width difference (SPWD) baud rate self-adaptationmechanism are proposed. The mechanism acquires and measure a number ofcommunication pulses of serial bus by Smart Transducer Interface Module (STIM),uses sorting pulse width difference to calculate minimum pulse width, then calculatesbaud rate. And with the help of confirm mechanism, The mechanism implementedSTIM baud rate self-adaptation without measuring the minimum pulse width directly.Combining the mechanism with IEEE1451.2standard or virtual TEDS technology,the smart sensor plug-and-play and self-recognition is realized. Finally, two methodsincluding hardware design and multi levels dynamic backoff (MLDB) are proposed,to improve sensor wired interface plug-and-play performance. The results show that,using MLDB, the average throughput increases47.14%, average delay reduces69.18%, and effectively optimizes the plug-and-play performance of IEEE1451intelligent sensor wired interface. ⑵参Wireless sensor interface plug-and-play based on periodic associationmatching communication (PAMC) mechanism is studied. The structure and flow ofIEEE1451.5smart sensor system based on ZigBee wireless access are proposed, andPAMC is implemented through studying association information frame formatdefinition and its key technologies. TEDS data structure simplification and ZigBeeroute algorithm improvement measures are studied. With the help of ZigBee nodeneighbor table and characteristic parameters, wireless sensing interface plug and playdata optimal path transmission is realized. The experimental result indicates, afteralgorithm improvement, average hop decreases42.9%, average delay reduces28.1%,and data transmission efficiency and network real time property are enhanced greatly.⑶参The model convertion mechanism, aplanned delay based sensing servicediscovery algorithm and information axiom based multiple index device optimumseeking algorithm for UPnP based networked smart sensor system are studied. Themapping between TEDS based smart sensor description information and XML baseddevice and service description information, and the convertion between IEEE1451command and data and UPnP command and data are researched deeply. Aiming atservice response serious loss and device optimum seeking when UPnP is applying tosensor network, planned delay based sensing service discovery algorithm andinformation axiom based multiple index device optimum seeking algorithm areproposed. Using the device optimum seeking algorithm, amount of parametersinformation are distributed to NCAPs which meeting services request. Deviceoptimum seeking can be implemented while several NCAPs meeting services request,need not adopting weight and normalized dispose, which reduces network interfacedata traffic overhead, and improves UPnP device service efficiency.IEEE1451based networked smart sensors system is developed. Wired andwireless sensor interfaces plug and play performance test and network interface UPnPfunctional test are accomplished. The test results show that, in the IEEE1451.2smartweighing sensor system, sensor plug and play interface RS485and RS422’recognition time Tregare1.841.04s and1.811.02s, and recognition rate Preg are97.4999.56%and97.5799.64%when their baud rate are1200115200bps. Afteradopting the plug and play performance optimization method in RS485sensorinterface, Treg reduces15%and Pregincreases0.48%. in the IEEE1451.5smart sensorsystem, after adopting PAMC, ZigBee sensor interface average first access networktime Tfen, average repeat access network time Tren, average fault disconnect networktime Tcut decreases2.33%,77.02%,1.18%respectively. The acquired plug and play performance test results are ideal. In the NCAP network interface UPnP functionaltest, the test results show that the sensing service discovery device optimum seekingalgorithm are effective. |