Embedded remote video surveillance technology is an embedded technology, videoprocessing, and network transmission technology as the core of the new videosurveillance technology. With embedded microcontroller processor as platformembedded remote video monitoring system, can greatly reduce the monitoring systemvolume, reduce development costs and realize the monitoring system of network andintelligent.This paper is to the above problems, with samsung companies based on ARM920TARM9processor core embedded as the core, with mini2440embedded developmentboard as the platform, in the thorough analysis embedded Linux operating system andits driver, and on the basis of the construction based on embedded remote video monitorserver, the main content is:1.The detailed analysis of the embedded Linux operating system structure,describes the kernel transplantation, Bootlooader transplant process.2. A detailed study of the embedded Linux drivers structure, the paper expoundsthe characteristics of Linux USB drivers and its important data structure.3. The Linux based on video, audio equipment under the driver V4L2.4. The Web video server embedded construction, and common gateway interface ofCGI programming standards, the development of simple control interface. |