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Fiscal Decentralization And Regional Economic Progress Difference In Zhejiang Province

Posted on:2013-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371968709Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Fiscal Decentralization is always an important part of the public Economics. This passage intends to explain the difference of regional economical process and the fiscal decentralization of Zhejiang province. And by theory explanation and the test of data, the passage makes a conclusion of the impact of fiscal decentralization on the gap between the regions of Zhejiang province. The paper is composed of seven chapters.The first chapter states the meaning of this paper and second chapter is the conclusion of the related researches. In the third chapter, by using a series of indicators to measure the fiscal decentralization of Zhejiang Province, the writer gets the conclusion that the county governments get more finical rights in recent years. The fourth chapter is about the gap of economical growth among the cities and the counties and the writer get two conclusions. On one hand, the absolute disparity was getting bigger and bigger, but the relative disparity did not change.The fifth and sixth chapter takes Zhejiang province as an example and aims to explain the relations between the difference of regional economical process and the fiscal decentralization. The approaches include the distribution of finical resources, the composition of finical expenditure and the competition between governments. And based on the systematically analysis, this article proposes that the fiscal decentralization has a positive effect on the economical growth of all cities and counties, but the investment’ growth caused by decentralization may has a negative effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fiscal decentralization, the Composition of the financial spending, the difference of regional economical process, Province govern the counties directly
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