Recently the economic field has become more and more complex, the competitive landscape is constantly changing. The competition faced by small and medium-sized start-ups and second pioneering large enterprise is no longer fully non-cooperative competition with their own strength and capital. Internal and external networks of start-up enterprises become important resource for start-up enterprises to cope with competition. Start-up enterprises’ social network is not done overnight, but constantly change with the development of start-up enterprises, which evolution and show different laws. I think that the evolution map of start-up enterprises’social network is depicted pedigree diagram for social network evolution, which is based on social networks evolution law and features in the evolution of start-up enterprises’ social network.Based on existing research about social network analysis, this paper proposed to measure the characteristics of Start-up enterprises’social network evolution map from the three parameters of start-up enterprises’social network, which are network centrality, overall network density of the network size, and network cohesion from network relations. This paper set the assumptions that network centrality, network overall density of the network size, and network cohesion from network relations will increases in the course of native network to derivative network. With A as an example, this paper build native2mode network and derivative2mode network project for A, and build the network data matrix fitting the requirements of UCINET analysis software according to project of membership units. Respectively using visualization and data analysis capabilities of UCINET, depicting two-dimensional social network diagram of native and derivative networks for A. Measuring of network and derivative network index including network centrality, network overall density of the network size, and network cohesion from network relations, the measurements results are:(1) All indicators of Start-up enterprises network centrality have increased.①Social network node of A universal changes, some nodes disappear, and also add some nodes, the location of the original node in the network has also changed;②Central indicators of A have improved, indicating that the influence and resources ability increase. Its network gradually gets rid of the parasitic and transformes to symbiotic node;③The resource distribution for native network and derivative network of A have their own characteristics. In native network the ability of each node of the network to control resources are relatively weak, resource is too concentrated. With the conduct of network evolution, network resources are accumulated at each node in the network center, the distribution of network resources is uneven.(2) In the course of native network to derivative network, network overall density increase from0.0896to0.3193. The greater network overall density is, the impact of the network on the attitude of the actors, behavior is greater.(3)The decrease of network nodes average distance will increases network cohesion. Network cohesion is the external representation of the sense of belonging to the members of the network and network trust level. In the course of native network to derivative network, start-up enterprises’ social network cohesion increases. |