Bidirectional DC/DC converter is widely used in various occasions ofbattery system, in which isolated bi-directional DC/DC converter is popularbecause of its safety and practicality. The object of this thesis is based on thebidirectional phase-shifted full-bridge topology with current doubler. The studyof this topology is mainly concentrated in the forward work, and few studies forthe reverse process. This article researched both the pros and cons of thistopology, researched it’s principle,and studied its performance.This paper studied the traditional phase-shifted full-bridge with currentdoubler topology at first. Then studied the working principle of the traditionalbi-directional phase-shifted full-bridge DC/DC converter. During the research, itfound this topology can not achieve bi-directional converte when the input andoutput voltage is constant. Therefore, it improved this topology by changing thesides of the transformer from the traditional full-bridge to current doublerrectifier structure. Then it analysised the pros and cons work of this topologydetaily and use Saber simulation software to verify the correctness of theprinciple. Then, this paper explored the way of the pros and cons work of thistopology to achieve synchronous rectification. In the third chapter, first,proposed an active clamp to slove voltage spikes of MOSFET for reverse procese;Then, designed drive circuit for the forward and reverse operation; Finally, theloss of the positive and negative working were analyzed. In the fourth chapter,the pros and cons work of the circuit was modeled. It builded a forwardsmall-signal model, due to its model can be evolved from BUCK circuitsmall-signal model, the BUCK small-signal modle was first established, and thenconsidered non-ideal isolation transformer model, thus get the topology forwardsmall-signal model; it also built the small-signal model by evolved the BOOSTsmall signal model. After the completion of the model, it used MATLAB tool toachieve loop design, and get a satisfactory result. In the fifth chapter, itcalculated circuit component parameters, and achieved the high-frequencytransformer design, then it completed the hardware circuit built based on thecalculated component parameters and tested the circuit pros and cons work, andget a satisfactory results. |