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Skin Texture In Painting In The Aesthetic And Emotional Expression

Posted on:2014-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425475023Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Texture is one of the most important language of oil painting.In the history of painting, Watercolour texture development along with oil painting techniques, art concepts, aesthetic development and continuing development.Unique application of texture in painting works produces different aesthetic tastes and forms of beauty, ancient and modern, and effort.From Rembrandt’s true transparency to Van Gogh’s enthusiastic jumping from Wu’s easy and straightforward to Wang Yidong exquisite, heavy directly from Freud’s Ethereal Ethereal to Zhao Wuji, was produced with its unique texture using fun visual effect, so as to establish a strong sense of personal style landscape convening world art of the forest.In the process of localization of oil painting, we should explore and create our own, can carry forward the advantages of oil painting, and a national spirit of oil painting language and personal characteristics, face truly create distinctive style of painting.In this paper, the first three chapters, longitudinal study on history of painting textures and horizontal comparison and explores the similarities and differences and characteristics of texture of oil painting at home and abroad, exploring the texture of oil painting language in connotation and essence oil painting art oil painting art, an important role.But because of the study’s ultimate goal is to create and develop, the fourth chapter is the whole article end, highlighted content.Authors through the works of ten of their own creation to painting textures are fully explored.First is the creation of three methods for painting textures, wrote a piece for each method, and to practice these methods to obtain first-hand experience.Through integration of traditional elements and lessons to master have created three pieces of traditional art spirit, and did an in-depth analysis of each.Creation and accumulation on the basis of earlier through a comprehensive learning and personal reflections on life and art, works of the four sites of their own creation, for example, explore their own symbolic language, developing their own style.Last on his comprehensive analysis of the feelings in the process.So, in the last part of article explored the texture of oil painting and feasible way of Oriental cultures.While, deep of local culture and unique of art forms makes we Cruse of inspiration source, we to active learning and absorption local culture, into to themselves creation in the, on the we to played itself of initiative, constantly groping, created belonging to themselves of painting texture, better of using painting texture language creation out more has personality, and has features, reflect painting art nature and art beauty of works.
Keywords/Search Tags:texture, emotion, form beauty, the nationalization, personalized
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