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Color Composition Of Subordinate And Dependent

Posted on:2014-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425969079Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The slave belongs relationship The purpose of this paper is to study color composition,the relationship between the various blocks of color study paintings and studies of thisrelationship on paintings.This paper through the analysis and research of paintings color, as well as to explore therelationship between theory and philosophy of Western painting, color aesthetics, Eastern andWestern painting color relationships and structure and reset painting theory and language ofpainting and other art forms the performance of the tunes and the rhythm of the text arranged.Further elaborated the importance and necessity of color by the painter in which they belongon the basis of subjective art treatment, that is, by the color of the natural features ofsubjective reprocessing. The screen does not meet the original artist’s thoughts and feelings,and some blocks of color can not express subjective feelings, through the artist’s subjectiveoperations, adjusted to consistent painter thoughts and feelings and make the picture moreaesthetic form blocks of color. Also by natural scenery summarized to screen color patches donot contact each other by the monotonous blocks of color into a colorful but interrelated andconstitute a relationship on the screen to play a certain effect on the color blocks to make linesand compose the picture, color, environment, modeling these many and complex form factors,in theory, more visual and rich conditioning, so that the picture is more aesthetic, more in linewith the rhythm, so as to achieve the harmony of opposites.This article also through on in Western painting works of examples discourse, especiallythrough the Tang Dynasty painter Zhang Xuan’s paintings "Lady of Guo Tour Spring Figure"Southern Tang figure painter Gu Hongzhong in the "Han Hsi Banquet Figure" on Chinesecontemporary painter Tian Liming paintings analyzed and summarized. At the same time,foreign painting genre, for example, French Nabi painter Bonnard, post-Impressionist masterVincent van Gogh pieces of colorful language paintings analyzed and discussed. Full colorpainting is the slave belongs factors in the analysis of the painting color relationship betweenslave and belongs to the same time, in-depth analysis of the internal relations of subordinationand affiliation in the color composition and potential significance.This article seeks to screen color blocks constitute the slave belongs to this phenomenonthrough a comprehensive summary and analysis of the proof of its existence, and thisrelationship is the guiding role of painting the screen in the form of a sense of rhythm, whichbetter to lay a solid foundation for the painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Color, Composition, Rhythm, Slave belongs, Sense of form
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