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Shang Dynasty Tombs Of Martyrdom, Sacrifice On Behalf Of Matter

Posted on:2015-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428979808Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shang Dynasty tombs of martyrdom, sacrifice on behalf of physical performancecharacteristics of the graves and tombs as a common general architecture of the tombs thereare often intertwined martyrdom, sacrifice on behalf thereof. Through the observation ofmartyrdom on behalf of objects can be used as the site to determine whether the tombs ofimportant clues. By observing objects of sacrifice on behalf of the owner who can clear thelevels and affect the ability of the tombs.People who sacrifice and martyrdom is martyrdom, the highest level of sacrifice onbehalf of objects in the Shang period of development, the distinguished people who sacrificeand martyrdom in the process, we have come to distinguish martyrdom, sacrifice on behalf ofthe method object: the object is to sacrifice the exchange of " gods ", the exchange is " gods" for students who are protecting, for burial of protection, protecting the real world.Exchange of martyrdom and martyrs tomb object is who "own" the exchange ’s own death inthe world is the same as the lifetime of "rich or beautiful ", is now expected to live in theworld after the death of "rebirth." Sacrifice and martyrdom are the factors that have faith, butthe faith in the world is not consistent between the two, sacrifice is the real world of realism,martyrdom is the afterlife idealism. Sacrifice not only found in tombs in the festival alsofrequently appear. The martyrdom only found in tombs.The difference between generator and ceremonial vessels that use degrees instead of aclay image of " usability."The role of funerary objects are often unique, its significance only for the deceased, theirvalue only for the living.Tombs reflect the will of those who are buried instead of being buried by.Architectural features of the Shang Dynasty tombs burial customs of the Shang Dynastyis our understanding of a new idea. By this observation methods can be Shang Dynasty burialpit waist and general construction of the foundation pit equate to lower infant burial tombsand houses surrounding the walls surrounding equated students will do things such as theconcept of death and the Yin Chong equate the concept of ghosts. Businessman widely used funerary objects in the tombs, but also businessmen conceptreflects their lives, believe in an afterlife, will be a lot of resources wasted on extravagantworship and tombs as a combination of secular and religious faith fantasy, natural resourcesis a major Shang consumption point.
Keywords/Search Tags:shang, burial, offerings, martyrdom
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