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The Research About Problems And Optimization Of China Public Policy Evaluation

Posted on:2013-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N N YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401451147Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The public policy evaluation is regarded to have played a decisive role inaffecting the value orientation of the government. It is not only an important tool toassess the value and effects of the public policy, but also reflects the sustainability andpotential for improvement of policy.This paper includes five parts:Part1: Introduction, which indicates the background and significance of publicpolicy evaluation, the current research in related areas at home and abroad as well asthe research thinking and main content of this thesis.Part2: The theoretical basis of the public policy evaluation like governmentfunction determinism and administrative efficiency determinism, and the importance ofpublic policy evaluation in establishing and carrying out public policy.Part3: Current public policy evaluation in ChinaBecause of short development time, public policy evaluation in China is still lackof attention. The main existing problems are:1) there is only one evaluation object inthe government, and the evaluation agencies are dependent on the evaluation object;2)the evaluation focuses too much on the establishment of policy;3) the influence ofeconomic growth pursuit on the evaluation criteria is excessive;4) evaluation usesmainly qualitative tool. Therefore, the public policy evaluation in China still need to bedeveloped, and this is a factor which can lower the quality of public policy.Part4: Public policy evaluation at abroad and its experience and enlightenmentIn spite of some inadequacies, public policy evaluation in western countries drawsextensive attention from all classes of society and this promotes the development andinnovation of the public policy evaluation.The characteristics of public policyevaluation in developed countries are:1) multiple evaluation object, the evaluationagencies are independent and their financial sources are diverse;2) extensivecommunication and cooperation boost the level of public policy evaluation in westerncountries. As a result, the high-specialization of public policy evaluation in westerncountries lay a solid foundation for its Industrialization. Generally, more attention aswell as the sound legal system ensure the sound development of public policyevaluation.Part5: Optimization methods of public policy evaluationTo optimize the public policy evaluation in China, the following methods are necessary:1) the evaluation object should be diversified and the evaluation agenciesshould be more independent;2) the evaluation criteria should be more scientific;3)multi-tools should be comprehensive used;4) the environment of evaluation should beoptimized, that is, the understanding of public policy evaluation should be deepened;more money should be invested in public policy evaluation; the information channelsof public policy evaluation should be broadened; Citizens’ sense of participationshould be improved, and the sound public opinion expression mechanism and errorcorrection mechanism should be established. These Methods will ensure theoptimization and sound development of public policy evaluation in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Evaluation, Policy Evaluation, Public Policy Evaluation, Problem, Method
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