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Study On The Legal Problems Of Warehouse Receipt Pledge

Posted on:2014-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401986357Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Warehouse receipt as a by product to do the backing of the negotiable instrument has become an important part of market system and financial system. Warehouse receipt pledge has become an important way of enterprise financing, the circulation is widely used in the field of raw materials from suppliers to manufacturers. Warehouse receipt has other significant characteristics and laws of certificates of deposit, bonds and other securities instruments phase region, the pledge of warehouse receipts system is a kind of independent system different from deposit cheque bond system, system value of the independent. But as a result of the economic system and economic development level, China’s " contract law "," guarantee law "," property law " and other laws to the warehouse receipt provides a relatively simple, warrant legal system is still not perfect, already can not adapt to the development of the warehouse receipt financing economic activity, should further establish and perfect the system of legal norms trading rules and system, so as to meet the needs of the rapid development of the logistics financing of the legal system.Practice and experience of oneself in the warehouse receipt pledge business a long time with the author of this thesis, starting from the bank’s point of view, systematically elaborated many legal concept of warehouse receipt pledge involves, on the basis of a comprehensive analysis on the problem of warehouse receipt pledge legal relationship and legal. This paper from the warehouse based securities legal attributes, starting from the concept of warehouse receipt, warehouse receipt pledge, pledge of warehouse receipts, summed up the typical operation mode, and use it as the object of pledge of warehouse receipts generated in the procedure of storage, loan, pledge, regulatory and other legal relationship and legal. At the same time, open, replacement of warehouse receipt pledge business practice, practice, etc., analyzed the corresponding legal.
Keywords/Search Tags:warehouse, receipt pledge, legal problems
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