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The Comparative Study Of The Lei Feng Spirit And The Volunteerism

Posted on:2014-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330422954071Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Between the Lei Feng Spirit of wholehearted service to the people andvolunteerism of dedication, fraternal love, mutual aid and progress, there is not onlytheir sameness, but also their difference. The research on the two spirits is helpful tonormalize learning from Lei Feng in theory and in practice.The comparative study is available from their theoretical origin, theirconnotation and denotation. The sameness between Lei Feng spirit and volunteerisminvolve their nationality, morality and their unofficiality. The difference between themconsist of the background of Lei Feng spirit without religion while the basic ofwestern volunteerism with Christian culture, the sharp ideological character of LeiFeng spirit while the false universality of volunteerism, and the private action of LeiFeng while the volunteer service by NGO. It is on the base of the comparative studythat we introduce our the strategy of organizing in order to normalize learning fromLei Feng.This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. In this partit mainly discusses the origin of the topic, the goal and the significance of the research,ideas and methods of the research, innovation points, etc. The second part is thepresent situation and a review of the comparative study on Lei Feng’s spirit and thevolunteerism both at home and abroad. Because the research on Lei Feng’s spirit andthe volunteerism itself is the foundation of the comparison research, this part alsocontains the summary and the review of their research status. The third part makes athorough exploration of the similarities between Lei Feng’s spirit and thevolunteerism, mainly from three entry points in file: nationality, morality, and themass character, which are the theoratical foundation of the reference to the volunteerservice when we are making learn-from-Lei Feng activites normarlized. The fourthpart talks about the differences between Lei Feng’s spirit and the volunteerism from three aspects: ideological origin, internal characteristics and external form. This iswhat we need to pay attention to when we refer to the volunteer service. In this way,we can intergrate the volunteer service into Learn-from-Lei Feng activites, andprovide the volunteer service with Chinese characteristics. The fifth part goes deepthinking about “making learn-from-Lei Feng activities normalized” in view ofsystematism strategy. The author believes that systematism is not only therequirement of the times and intrinsic motivation, but also the political security tomake learn-from-Lei Feng activities normalized.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Lei Feng Spirit, Volunteerism, Normalizing learning from LeiFeng, Volunteer service, Organizing
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