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Yunnan Jianchuan Bai Woodcarving Industry

Posted on:2014-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330401458214Subject:Chinese Minority economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jianchuan Bai wood carvings, often referred to Jianchuan wood carvings, generally refers to Jianchuan Bai carvings handicraft, also refers to the product or handicraft of wood carving. It is the Jianchuan in the vicinity of the Bai people in long-term production and living process creation and development of a handicraft techniques of the national characteristics. Jianchuan Bai carvings is one of the representatives of the traditional handicrafts of the Dali Bai people, and Yunnan Minority Folk an important element of the process.In the past two decades, a growing market economy environment, Jianchuan Bai woodcarving, from a purely folk craftsmanship gradually transition and transformation sectors of the ethnic and geographical characteristics, its commercial value, cultural connotation, and artistic style also changes accordingly.Discussed in this article Jianchuan Bai woodcarving industry, the Jianchuan woodcarving industry, is the Jianchuan around the production and sale of carved products and expand the economic activity of its economic sectors collectively. It is based on Jianchuan Bai traditional economic and cultural management and development, and as a major player in the more typical members of the Bai ethnic economic activity.Bai craftsmen and merchants of the local wood carving products, operators, beneficiaries, but also wood carving skills and Bai culture heritage, promoters. The woodcarving industry includes both the traditional handicraft wood carving as the basic attributes of the industry, but also embodied in its transition to a modern market-oriented industrial characteristics.In introduction and the second chapter, in accordance with the historical origins, effective size, mode of production, the problems faced by the logical order of the development of countermeasures to summarize Jianchuan wood literature on the main point, and on this basis, the sword Jianchuan Bai wood carving industry concepts and be briefly defined.In the third chapter, the first combination of Jianchuan wood formation characteristics of different periods combing the historical changes and the molding process, and to sum up the characteristics of Jianchuan wood under the planned economy and market economy system.In Chapter Four, respectively, from the production and sale of the contents of the case of the business model, the association between the industry and the Bai ethnic cultural perspective analysis of the general characteristics of the wood carving industry.The last chapter, contact the corresponding wood carving industry, explained from the perspective of industry, production and sales structure, personnel training, woodcarving brand culture, government policy measures and to explore the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.Overall, this article attempts to Jianchuan Bai wood carving industry systematic analysis, focusing Contact Jianchuan wood in the traditional process, market economy, national culture reflects the level of generality and particularity phenomena and problems elaborate, aimed at Jianchuan Bai main economic development, wood carving industry reasonable sustainable development, a Bai cultural heritage protection as well as the national economy and culture positive interaction on a useful exploration attempts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jianchuan, Bai, Handicraft, Wood carvings, Ethnic culture
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