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Research In The Context Of The Visual Design Elements Of A Digital Visualization

Posted on:2015-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G RongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330428976928Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the developing of online media, the display mode of digital information also has changed a lot.The design form called Digital Visualization has gone into the form of in-depth for all levels of public life.The design of Digital visualization is to study the visual manifestations of digital information.The using of visual design elements also has involved in the image processing technology and the computer graphics.The main steps of the Methods, techniques and theories is to display the customized information converted to a graphic and image on the terminal equipment and Interactive processing.The usage of visual design elements is an important part of digital visualization. Overall, it relates to the multiple fields. For example:image processing, computer graphics, design science, aesthetics modeling, computer-aided design, computer vision and human-computer interaction technology.With further development and the computer technology to enhance the level of modern technology, digital visualization concept has greatly expanded and its using form of visual design elements also become more and more diverse. the content refers to the element of digital visualization design in this essay includes the analysis of the data and information visualization that people are familiar with nowadays.they are also have something to do with the emergence and development.The main purpose of digital visualization is to transfer information efficiently and clearly,and to relay on computer technology and graphical tools. The function and form of aesthetics will be also considered when using visual design elements. Important and meaningful visual features and information can be converted through the intuitive graphic.Then we can deeply study the content of both sparse and complex data.This essay mainly talks about the characteristics and performance of digital visual elements in the digital visualization design.It shows the the importance of visual design elements in digital visualization techniques, from the digital visual development, development methods, common categories to the constitution form, and the role of the media in modern development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Digital visualization, computer graphics, visual design elements, design aesthetics
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