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The Empirical Research On Collective Construction Land Use Rights Of Chunhua Town In Changsha County

Posted on:2014-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q W HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330425483955Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the acceleration of the process of urban sprawl, the value of the collective construction land is increasingly apparent, the collective construction land gradually become the focus of attention of the policy legal norms and academic research. To select a region to do some empirical study of collective construction land use right, we can understand the basic situation of the local collective construction land and collective construction land use right, and the state of running of right and its characteristics and problems, and then get deep understanding of China’s rural areas the current situation and the plight of construction land use rights. Last, I hope this essay can provide empirical support of the local cases or reference for the system construction of our collective construction land use right.To select the urban-rural township-Chunhua Town, Changsha County as empirical region, municipal and county land and resources departments and Chunhua town village committees Interview Survey, Get local collective construction land and collective construction land use rights data.These data show that, Chunhua Town of collective construction land area is small, a single type, the use of extensive, and a declining trend; collective construction land use right content on the Rights of thin and scarce, relative to the state-owned construction land use rightweak position; invisible transfer of collective construction land is widespread, resulting in damage to the collective land circulation and the interests of farmers. The reasons behind the decline of the rural economy is that the law does not fully recognize the real right of collective construction land, the collective construction land is in an awkward position allowed by the national legal restrictions and local policies, the collective land disorder; provides a large number of idle collective construction land, and the demand for urban expansion land will be making the collective construction land toward the invisible circulation driven by economic interests; current government and Homeland department to treat collective construction land the role of positioning deviation, as well as pipe control of collective construction land is too strict makes collective construction land use rights difficult to highlight. In view of this, the system of collective construction land use right reconstruction is the inevitable choice. Create collective construction land use rights in rem ways to change the current configuration of public land law and land private law unreasonable conditions, regulate the transfer of collective construction land, and the formation of collective construction land management system, in order to truly develop collective construction land use right...
Keywords/Search Tags:collective construction land, use rights, invisible transfer, collectiveconstruction land use right system
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