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The International Community’s Evaluation On The Chinese Road And Firm The Road Confidence Research

Posted on:2015-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428468482Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The international community for the study of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics has a long history, and foreign scholars on the study of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics prefer to defining their research as "China Model". Although the China Model’s connotation and extension are different, the carrier is the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. All the achievements are based on this road. Because of "the road confidence" was put forward on the Party’s Eighteen Congress, it prompts me to research the understanding and evaluation of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics by the international community. Analyze the international community to agree or even deny the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, response to the international community correctly. Thinking about the confidence of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. This article, besides preface, epilogue, the main part is composed of four parts. Each part is summarized as follows:The first part mainly introduces the research achievements of foreign on the China Model under the international discourse system and analysis of the China Model’s connotation. The author thinks that the China Model’s core is the socialist road with Chinese characteristics.The second part further analysis the main content of international research on Chinese road, including the main characteristics of the Chinese road, the basic properties of the Chinese road, the achievements and international influence of the Chinese road. The international community on the Chinese road had two basic attitudes:attention, admit; questioned and denied.The third part analyzes all kinds of understanding and evaluation about the socialist road with Chinese characteristics by international community. The reasons of their recognition, on the one hand, is admit the achievements of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. On the other hand, the road is worthy for other countries to learn from. The reasons of question is based on the China threat’s worry, and it’s ideological and theoretical bias, at last, it is part of the foreign scholars don’t know much about Chinese history and reality.The fourth part puts forward the road confidence of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, response to the international community rightly. The socialist road with Chinese characteristics is based on the principle of Marxism-Leninism and the Chinese reality. The road confidence is based on the theory and reality. We will firmly trust the road confidence, never walk back or change the road. At the same time, through the comparison with the western countries, other socialist countries and the emerging-market-economy countries, we will enhance the road confidence.
Keywords/Search Tags:The international community, China Model, The Socialist Road withChinese Characteristics, the road confidence
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