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On The Function And Realization Of College Ideological Political Education Function In The Process Of Cultural Inheritance And Innovation

Posted on:2014-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425970921Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On April24,2011, on the centennial anniversary ceremony of the founding of Tsinghua University, General Secretary Hu Jintao said that "Improving the overall quality of higher education needs vigorously impelling cultural inheritance and innovation ". College ideological and political education undertakes the duty of cultural inheritance and innovation. It is important and irreplaceable in China’s cultural inheritance and innovation. Therefore, what position does College ideological and political education occupy in cultural inheritance and innovation, what function does it have, and how to realize these functions effectively are issues worthy of study.The paper, first explores the meanings of culture, cultural inheritance and cultural innovation, and then analyzes the college ideological political education’s role and function in cultural inheritance and innovation. This article aims at finding ways in which college ideological political education can fully function in the cultural inheritance and innovation. This Thesis falls into five sections, In the first part, the author demonstrates the related concepts, focusing on the concepts of culture, cultural inheritance and cultural innovation. In the second part, after explains the meaning, objects, and main contents of college ideological political education, the author explores its status in the cultural inheritance and innovation. In the third part, the author focuses on functions of college ideological political education in the cultural inheritance and innovation, namely, guidance function, integration function, communication function, and innovating function. In the fourth part, the author analyzes the status of college ideological political education’s function in the cultural inheritance and innovation by expatiating on its accomplishments and problems. In the fifth part, against the existing problem presented in the forth part, author explores the way in which college ideological political education functions in the cultural inheritance and innovation. We should adhere to the guiding ideology of Marxism in the college ideological political education to fully play its guiding function; we should1enrich the content of college ideological political education to fully play its integration function; we should explore new educational methods to fully play its innovating function; and we should strengthen the protective system of college ideological political education to fully play its communication function.
Keywords/Search Tags:College, Ideological Political Education, CulturalInheritance and Innovation, Function
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