Since1990s, private equity (Private Equity, or simply PE) and domesticprivate equity industry developed. Due to the great support of the central andlocal governments, a large number of domestic wealth net worth families andindividuals,(real estate) business, professional institutional investors, localgovernment and other investment groups took part in PE. In recent years,scholars researched on the private equity sector investment, operation, exit,and the development private equity investment fund market, but few schoarsanalyzed participants of the private equity investment fund.Based on the situation in China and the study of foreign private equityfund market, the author collected a lot of data, classified the domestic privateequity market participants (including managers and investors). Then theauthor summarized the general characteristics of the different participantsand their preference for private equity investment fund market characteristics,and analyzed how participants affect the operating mode of the private equityinvestment fund management companies and private equity funds. Finally,the author predicted the best operating mode of private equity funds in thefuture.The study demonstrates that according to different promoters, there areinvestors leading initiated type, manager leading initiated type, mixed-mode,and a special form for the private equity fund in China. In corporate governance, investment groups participate in the private equity marketdirectly or indirectly.In the form of company organization, private equityfund managers can apply the corporate system or partnership in order toadapt to the current situation, but the limited partnership is better and moreefficient. In incentives design, the incentives included a large frame andsmall frame. The large one constituted by the company managementpersonnel remuneration mechanism, and small one the constituted by staffremuneration mechanisms. In futre, policy, market maturity, as well as thedevelopment of the domestic investor and maturity affect the operating modethe private equity fund.Because private equity industry developed for a short time, PE industrydevelopment is not perfect, and showes much phenomenon with Chinesecharacteristics. During the devopment of PE, this paper expanded theacademic research from the point of view of participants. And theconclusions provide a preference for the development, operations, and trendforecasting of China’s private equity funds. |