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The Credit Evaluation Of Small And Micro Enterprises In China After Financial Crisis

Posted on:2013-11-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F DaiFull Text:PDF
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As the role of fresh b lood and the ma in driver in Chinese,sma ll and microenterprises can promote market competition and socia l stability,solve the emp loyme ntof surp lus labor force.Recently the research on sma ll and micro enterprises in Chinaare increasing and the governme nt make more effort to support these enterprises. Withthe prosperity of the m, there are also so me proble ms, the most s ignificant one isfinanc ing proble m that caused by lacking of credit.With credit e va luation,co mmercia lbanks can know the enterprises’ credit situation before loan,so lacking of credit canbe controlled as well as the fina nc ing proble m eased. All in all, credit eva luatio n canpromote the emerge nce of s ma ll and micro enterprises, commercia l banks and theChinese governme nt-win s ituation.The research now is mostly about SMEs ratherthan sma ll and micro enterprises.As the non-applicab ility of the eva luation syste mand methods of,fina ncing opportunities of Sma ll and micro enterprises are decreasing.This problem should be solved, so this study starts point.Cons idering the background of the financ ia l cris is,this artic le is on the basis ofthe shortage of existing evaluation index syste m of SMEs and build a new model forsma ll and micro enterprises according to no n-fina ncia l and fina nc ial a ngle. On onehand,fuzzy ana lytic hierarchy method is used for eva luatio n of non-financ ia lindicators,on the other hand, princ ipal component ana lys is method is used forfinanc ia l ind icators.Fina lly,a weighted comb ination model is formed, which can makecomprehe ns ive assess ment of the credit status of sma ll and micro enterprises in thepost-financial crisis,and help enterprises to obtain a suitable credit score.In order to analyze the use of the model and verify the valid ity of itl, the artic leselected35enterprises in Changs ha for case studying and make the conclus ion thatthis model are feasib le which can be used actua lly.The credit status can beobjective ly predicted.The commercia l banks can make correct credit decis ions,thefinanc ing problem can be solved. Finally, the concluding section points out theshortage and next research direction. We should focus on theoretica l ana lys is andemp irical research in the design o f sma ll micro-enterprise credit e valuation indexsystem and set up a strict scientific basis of the indicators for further studying.
Keywords/Search Tags:The post-financial crisis, Small and micro enterprises, Credit evaluation
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