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The Processes Capacity Of Visual-Object Working Memory Representations Compared With Visual Perceptual Inputs: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials

Posted on:2013-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330362964265Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research of Visual-Object Working Memory(VWM) is a hotspot of cognitivepsychology,but the visual object information storage is mainly focused on. In fact, visual-object working memory compares with visual inputs every minute. This compairson processcontains visual working memory, visual working memory representations, visual inputs,attention etc.,which work together The comparison process has not been well characteirzed.Using event-related potential technique, students in university as the subjects,comparison process contains both limited-capacity and unlimited-capacity comparisonprocesses, which are proofed in change detection paradigm,then the limited-capacity andunlimited-capacity compairson processes are dissociated and the mechanism ofunlimited-capacity compairson process researched.Three researches are included, which used event-related potential as indicator that N2pcindicates unlimited-capacity compairson processes and P3indicates unlimited-capacitycomparison processes. Recording and analyzing attention shifts to the change objects, the firstresearch tries to explore the existence of both compairson processes in visual-object workingmemory, in order to further dissociate the compairson processes, the second research adds amarking into the comparison, Studying the mechanism of capacity compairson process, thethird research attempts to explore the basis of capacity compairson process.The data demonstrates that:1.There are limited-capacity and unlimited-capacity compairson processes invisual-object working memory. Unlimited-capacity comparison process is followed bylimited-capacity compairson processes.2.Limited-capacity comparison process is the decision-making process. Even thoughthe visual working memory and visual inputs are represented, if limited-capacity comparisonprocess is disturbed, the decision-making is interfered.3.The unlimited-capacity process can be limited to specific feature dimensions. Thedecision-making process of limited capacity compairson process is based on details of theobj ect. Loading information can both affect limited-capacity and unlimited-capacitycomparison processes, but in the same information level, unlimited-capacity compairsonprocess remains set size constant without increasing N2pc latency. 4. Visual search task and change detection task are similar The premise of theseresearches is established: change detection paradigm is a special visual search paradigm.
Keywords/Search Tags:Visual Working Memory(VWM), Attention, Search task, Change detection, Comparison
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