Oriental art is a rich and vast cultural system, especially in the19th century to the20th century of the history of painting is vientiane, This paper tries from the perspectiveof the history of Chinese landscape painting and western landscape paintingcomposition, to explore the integration and intersection between Chinese and westernpainting composition, Chinese landscape painting and western landscape painting indifferent historical background formed their own art form, and composition in thepainting by the painter and the attention of students, more and more research of the twodifferent type of Chinese and western composition system, make our country of Chineselandscape painting and western painting to better communication, promote the mutualunderstanding of both, effectively improve the innovation consciousness of landscapepainting.Based on the history of Chinese landscape painting and western landscape paintingcomposition, composition, principle and composition forms of study, comprehensiveunderstanding in different culture and different social background of Chinese landscapepainting and western landscape painting integration and intersection of two differenttype composition, through the different composition of each historical period idea bycomparison and analysis, research, analysis of each historical period of famous works inthe composition and content differences, and study its integration and intersection.Analysis of Chinese landscape painting and western landscape painting of two differentpictures on the similar and different composition principle of works produced differenteffects, principle and rule induction and summary of the similarities and differences atthe same time discusses the importance of composition principle of paintings. Alsothrough to the Chinese landscape painting and western landscape painting compositionin the form of research and analysis, induction and summary of Chinese and westerntwo different pictures in different composition forms of the similarities and differences,based on the fusion of two kinds of different composition forms of Chinese and westernworks and intersection, deeper and learn more about the Chinese landscape painting andwestern landscape painting between the each composition forms of work content andthe visual effects produced by the different with the same effect.This article also to the development and innovation of Chinese landscape paintingcomposition and the composition of Chinese and western new exploration and hascarried on the discussion to the future, analysis of the contemporary landscape paintersand landscape painter innovative ideas and creative thinking, and called for a new eraon the innovation of the painting we need innovation, seeking more innovative thinkingyoung artists, in the premise of not forget traditional conditions, to create a new era,new landscape, new composition of Chinese paintings. |