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The Study Of Landscape Oil Painting Style Of Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

Posted on:2016-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M LongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1875), who was born in Paris, is a pivotal figure in landscape painting in the history of art in France. It is his unique painting style that helped to push the landscape painting to an unprecedented level and revived the French landscape painting that had been in the decline for two centuries.Corot is actually a "poet" with deep passion and love for life and nature. He does well in observing and comprehending subtle changes in nature. He poured into’singing’ for nature in his whole life. It is widely recognized that his works are full of fun and poetic scenes, dreamy and magic, appealing to everyone whoever has the chance to see them.Corot’achievements in art history is not only striking outdated academics of landscape paintings and establishing realistic painting style, but also his dazzling art works. He left us many poetic and thoughtful landscape paintings using his magic brush.This thesis aims to explore Corot’s unique formal languages of his landscape oil painting style and the underlying spirit meanings, with the analysis of the formation causes of Corot’s painting style and formal languages, technical measures, emotions and artistic conception being used. Moreover, we combined these investigations into individual creative practice, trying to enrich expressive forms and languages, and lend added insight into Chinese modern scenery oil paintings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscape oil painting, Formal language, Poetic flavor, Nature, Style
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