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Research On Application Of Plane Composition In Modern Jewelry Design

Posted on:2016-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R F PeiFull Text:PDF
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At present, modern jewelry design needs to force on the aesthetic of jewelry. The role of aesthetic of jewelry in general becomes a sales promotion, a lot of time on the beautiful design to attract the attention of consumers. Sometimes design became more important than the materials and processes in jewelry. The fact sets a high standard for designer’s work. Modern jewelry design should consider style, shape and material of jewelry. Excellent combination of different factors in design will create classical and popular crafts.Plane composition is rational way of design training. By the reality and abstraction recombinationtraining, wecan build the judgement of beauty in vision. It’s the same in modern jewelry design.Plane decorates modern jewelry, and makes us think deeply in jewelry’s styles and rules. Planar formation is the base of shaping of sculpture and jewelrydesign. Learning of plane composition and practicing in design work, including analysis recreation of form and combination between forms, wouldbuild creative and different jewelry. In the modern jewelrydesign, the points, lines, planes are form languages to express the decorative pattern of jewelry. In the whole space shape is embodied these elements,forexample, duplicate and emission. Plane Compositionmakesdiversified artistic styles, and massive visual impact.In the design of modern jewelry, we need use dot, line and plane properly. All the factors grouped together into design and build style of jewelry. Different methods mean different principles of form. Relying on the design language, we could explain feeling and mood. The perfect design of jewelry needs motion and principles.Fabulousjewelry is unique, both decorate and style. Special artistic views, high level of aesthetic and fashion ideas are all needed during the build of craft. We should understand the thought of combination of basic factors in art and principles of form; realize the vitality and energy in the modern jewelry.
Keywords/Search Tags:ModernJewelry Design, Plane Composition, factor, principle of form
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