As the writer of this dissertation, I has been working on garden paintingsfor many years. To capture the experience and patterns in the creation ofgarden paintings has been the subject of my research.Private Gardens of Suzhou are regarded as art kingdoms consisted ofdifferent art forms, including architecture, gardening, and rockery. This essaywould focus on all these aspects and discuss the idea of "making privategardens". Classics, canons of old garden paintings, art exhibition cataloguesand relevant studies have been adopted as reference in this dissertation toshape my own thoughts.Ten years of practicing on garden paintings made me believe thattechniques of brush works should be the basis of garden paintings, butpainting from life is the critical key. On the creation of garden paintings, oneshould first pay careful attention to the overall sight; secondly, one shouldadjust his view from the head up to look down; thirdly, one should adddetails to his painting layer by layer, bit by bit. |