Power comes from the right, as the "power of the state belongs to the people",as part of the power company’s shareholders. From this we can draw a conclusion:the owner of the shareholders of the company, the company is to realize shareholderrights services. In a democratic society, to achieve good order is effective exercise oftheir rights by all citizens to achieve. Like a company, the shareholders regardless ofsize, in alphabetical order, within the scope of the company’s articles of association,only fully effective exercise of their rights, in order to ensure the effective operationof the company and sustainable development.In the current corporate system, the rights of possession of the shares from theamount so large shareholders can rely on individuals to fully share the company’smanagement have some impact and dominance. In this process, it is easy because thelack of regulation, the major shareholder can not completely fulfill its duty of loyaltyto the company, ignoring the interests of minority shareholders, minorityshareholders to cause some damage.In recent years, the protection of minority shareholders’ interest has arousedwidespread concern in society, but also attracted the attention of the legislators."Company Law" to protect the interests of minority shareholders to enhance revisedto a whole new level, highlights the strong humanism color, reflecting the thrust ofthe legal pursuit of social justice. One of the more prominent one is to increase thepresence of minority shareholders, giving it more real sexual rights, and specialinvestigation powers is particularly important.From the meaning of the extraordinary shareholders’ rights and the right toinvestigate and extension starting from the constraints of the legal system, threecontrolling shareholders deliberately suppressed, market analyzes and other lawslimiting the exercise of the right of minority shareholders special investigationrealistic resistance. Proposed legislation should be clear right of minorityshareholders to exercise special investigation methods and procedures, improve thecorporate governance system, particularly against the minority shareholders the right to investigate other aspects of judicial remedies to remove obstacles, especiallyinvestigative powers to protect minority shareholders. |