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The Rural Collective Economic Organizations Membership Dispute Resolution Path To Explore

Posted on:2015-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M GeFull Text:PDF
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In the modern society, the rural land reform has become a trend. In the same time, the issues of rural collective economic organizations membership has become an obstacle of deepening reform in our country. rural collective economic organizations membership disputes assume the sudden trend of growth in our country. Chinese current law did not make special collective economy organic law, nor in the laws related to formulate unified collective economic organizations membership criteria for recognition of the collective economic organizations membership decided that the absence of legislation causes related to the rights and interests of the rural collective economic organization member of agriculture disputes are increasing. At the same time, disputes of the collective economic organizations membership have not clear relief ways, so how to solve the rural collective economic organizations membership dispute is of great significance.This paper centering on how to resolve the dispute of the rural collective economic organizations membership. First of all, from the perspective of the related concepts, the paper explain what is the rural collective economic organizations, what is the rural collective economic organizations membership, the rural collective economic organizations membership with difference of villagers, analyzes the types of rural collective economic organizations membership disputes, demonstrate the necessity of the rural collective economic organizations membership dispute resolution. Further analysis of the rural collective economic organizations membership status quo and existing problems, and to resolve disputes. Finally, Suggestions are put forward to solve the problems existing in the, and determine the unified standard defines the membership of dilute the household registration system for membership defined constraints, to the contracted management of land in order to determine the main basis, and whether to fulfill its obligations to collective economic organization members for auxiliary basis. The rural collective economic organizations membership into the scope of the rural land contracting arbitration institution of arbitration disputes, such disputes in accordance with the law courts, and the existing way to link up mutually, so as to establish a hierarchy complementary functions, procedures, and bright, the benign interaction and coordinated system of multi-resolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural collective economic organization, membership, accreditation of qualification, resolution
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