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Research Legal Issues Related To Third-party Payment

Posted on:2016-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S FengFull Text:PDF
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With the advent of the Internet age, the rapid development of e-commerce, e-business environment due to the lapse of the two buyers and sellers to achieve the integrity of the payment transaction must first solve the problem, Ma creatively put forward the concept of third-party payment, Paypal devised so The third-party payment platform, not only to achieve the purpose of the traditional pay, better to build the integrity of e-commerce environment, propose new ideas. Since the third-party payment platform since produced rapidly, but the relevant legislation and theoretical studies have greatly lags behind the needs of practice development, third-party payment platform is vague in the policy, lack of supervision, no legal basis for the difficult situation ahead. Emergence and development of third-party payment platform is a historical necessity, but the development process produces a lot of legal issues still need to theoretical research, but Chinese scholars on legal issues related to third-party payment platform, lack of serious research, both theoretical research article again There are practices related content. Aims for a third-party payment platform relevant legal issues raised effective solution ideas, pay civil legal relations platform Participation its civil liability, and from the perspective of macro-regulation in Europe and draw on relevant legal system from a third party on the basis of the regulatory relevant legal issues raised third-party payment platform solution ideas.The first chapter introduces the concept of third-party payment platform, value characteristics, development. Analysis of the essential attribute of the third party payment platform, introduces the third-party payment platform corresponding responsibility and fairness in fault liability Liability under the principle of the case to be borne. The third chapter introduces the relevant US and EU legislation and its third-party payment platform for China’s due to paucity of third-party payment platform macro-regulatory legislation, "non-financial institutions to pay management approach" is currently China’s third-party payment platform for a more comprehensive legislation, the author describes the method and related third-party payment platform focuses terms of third-party payment platform, the main legal issues exist in macro regulation were analyzed and proposed countermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:electronic commerce, the third party payment platform, civil liability, upervision countermeasures
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