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Research On The Current Operation Situation Of County-levelparty Committee Inspection System

Posted on:2016-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330461962236Subject:Chinese Government and Politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The work of inspection has always been exist since old days. It has different meaning and content in different chronicle periods. From Qing and Han dynasties to the time of Ming and Qing, the work and organization system became increasingly thorough and scientific. In new China, which starts after the founding of People’s Republic of China, the meaning of inspectio n within the party on county level has been revised, which we could safely say is considerably distinct from its parallel in feudalist period. Recent years have witnessed more changes broug ht to inspection work after exploration and experimentation in almost every county in China. This essay will analyze and evaluate inspection work on county level in terms of work theory, basic knowledge and operation procedure. Inspection on county level plays an important role i n legislation inspection and policy supervision, and it is obvious in all the process of administr ation, and it has a crucial influence in governmental self-construction and administration. Besi des, it benefits dexision-making system and helps secure the implementation of policies. In th e document, "CPC Committee on Strengthening and Improving the Number of Major Issues of Party Building under the New Situation"(passed on the Seventeenth Plenary Session of Fo ur Parties), it is pointed out that the central major decisions and implementations of periodic i nspection should be improved, and special inspection system and legal security mechanism ne ed to be perfected as well. Meanwhile, the phenomenon that orders and prohibitions may be o verruled should be rectified".In 2008, the State Council issued the "the Advice on the Inspecti on of the Implementation of the Policies on County Level", and also put forward clear opinion s on the implementation of policies. To explore county party inspection system and study its p attern from a theoretical level is significant for country government to develop and for the soc iety to become harmonious and Chinese dream to become true.This essay will firstly elaborate the background and meaning of this topic, and analyze the current situation and research patterns. Secondly, the meaning of inspection on county level will be given and its value, function, development, content and factors will be illustrated in detail. After that, the current function status of county inspection system will be analyzed. And then, problems, such as insufficient implementation of policies, less efficient working system, and unapparent result. Finally, advices is proposed, which focus on responsibility of officials working in county party, on constructing inspection system linking all levels, selecting more qualified employees and enforcing the result of inspection.
Keywords/Search Tags:County-level Party committee, inspection system, research
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