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Legal Protection For The Right To Personal Data In The Big Data Age

Posted on:2015-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Personal data refers to all kinds of related information which uses the symbolic system to identify natural entities. The right to personal data refers to the rights to control and exempt damages of personal data. The reason why personal data is in need of protection lies in the nature, which is caused by the conflict of self-determination and freedom of personal data. The weak balance is broken since personal data becomes more commercially attractive because of the 4Vs character, and data digging, cloud computing, cloud storage and other techniques, together with the rapid development of the e-commerce and mobile internet. This article studied the foreign and domestic legal framework and transferred the personal data protection to the question of the establishment of a more effective market for personal date trade in the perspective of market trade. For the purpose foresaid, this article suggested to focus on the variation of values, legislative principles more suitable for market trade and private enforcement of the rules.
Keywords/Search Tags:big data, personal data, legal protection
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