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The Improvement Of The Compulsory Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Liability Insurance In Our Country In The Perspective Of Judicial Interpretation

Posted on:2015-08-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467477308Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The produce and development of human history since the insurance to one thousand years of history,During this insurance system from produce to improve are closely related with the development of economy.Each time the progress of human society and insurance system to further improve the opportunity.Compulsory motor vehicle traffic accident liability insurance system is the development of the insurance system on the basis of product conform to the trend of The Times, it is managers based on the policy of public interest considerations, dispersed the insured risks and safeguard the rights and interests of the victim results promoted the social public welfare, improve the system of social security benefits.But the motor vehicle traffic accident liability compulsory insurance system in China at the development stage, the system construction still need further perfect.On December21,2012, on the implementation of the supreme people’s court on the application of law of road traffic accident damage compensation cases, the explanation of some issues (hereinafter referred to as the "interpretation") to further improve the provisions of the insurance system in China,It stipulated content for the protection of the rights of the victim has more direct significance.Based on the "explanation" have solve the problem of insurance system and the system of unsolved problems, through the reference of outside system, sums up the suitable for the concrete system of our countrySpecifically, the first part of the article is mainly on the analysis of the "interpretation" has problem. The second part of the explanation "unresolved issues and outside reference analysis to solve these problems. The third part is put forward to solve these problems of motor vehicle traffic accident liability compulsory insurance of our country has a practical significance of their opinions and Suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:A motor vehicle, compulsory motor vehicle traffic accident liabilityinsurance, perfect
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