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Research On Liability System For Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Damages

Posted on:2017-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the growing of China’s economic strength,the rapid development of national economy,urban and rural residents per capita disposable income increased,the rapid development of road construction,has been regarded as a high-grade durable consumer goods car was quietly into the ordinary people,become more and more people walking tools,but people in the era of enjoying the car to bring convenience,at the same time also should bear the car bring some negative impacts-the number of traffic accidents.This paper mainly discusses the motor vehicle traffic accident damage compensation liability imputation principle,and analyzes the motor vehicle traffic accident damages imputation principle still exist deficiencies,put forward the perfect proposal.Inaddition of foreword and conclusion,the artiele is divided into four chapters.Chapter 1 is ’The overview of motor vehicle traffic accident liability".This chapter through the concept,elements of motor vehicle traffic accident of motor vehicle traffic accident to do a general,and tells the story of motor vehicle traffic accident liability and other liability differences.Chapter 2 is"Foreign motor vehicle traffic accident liability for damages the legislative cases".The chapter on foreign imputation principle of motor vehicle traffic accident damage compensation legislation comparison and reference,and analyze the motor vehicle traffic accident damages the development trends of imputation principle.Chapter 3 is"China’s motor vehicle traffic accident damage compensation liability imputation principle analysis".This chapter presents the imputation principle of motor vehicle traffic accident damage compensation in our country legislation evolution process,list of motor vehicle traffic accident damage compensate the shortage of the imputation principles and perfect Suggestions are put forward.Chapter 4 is "The shortage of the motor vehicle traffic accident damage compensation liability system in China and perfection".This chapter is divided into several parts is put forward in the system deficiency and put forward the perfect proposal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traffic accident of motor vehicle, Damage compensation, Principle of liability identifications, Motor vehicle, Compulsory insurance
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