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On The Moral And Emotional Identity Of Urbanized Migrant Worker With The New Type Of Urbanization

Posted on:2016-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330470453537Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
New type of urbanization, which centered on urbanized migrant workers, isthe process that migrant workers work and live in the cities and towns. Due todualistic structure system of urban and rural areas, there are many differencesbetween urban citizens and migrant workers in census register, social security,employment, housing and children’s education, leading to different social statusand unfair treatment. To solve such problem and to make migrant workersintegrate into urban life as soon as possible, authorities have come up with thepolicy of new-type of urbanization, supporting them in policy and system.However, the change in census register and social security cannot make migrantworkers urban citizens, since what they truly demand is moral and emotionalidentity from the society. It is inevitable that when entering urban areas, therural will have troubles in adapting urban life and new environment, and theirvalues, moral standards and customs will change accordingly, and therefore itseems they are ill-adapted with urban life. The fact is that, on one hand, China, atraditional agricultural country, mainly boasts small-scale farming by individualowners and people’s values are also connected with it. People tend to put amoral barrier between them and their relatives and friends with the neglect ofaltruism. On the other hand, under the influence of market economy, the moral and emotional apathy and absence result from interest-driven behavior, whichleads to the public moral crisis. These common problems in urban lives will bemore severe when faced with increasing amount of migrant workers asvulnerable groups. Urban citizens may discriminate and exclude migrantworkers because of resentment over them originated by stereotype. What’smore, migrant workers suffer from unfair treatment as well as indifference, sothat they may be negative about everything they encounter in cities. Urbanresidents and migrant workers are thus separated into two groups, in which theyvary about moral and emotional identity. Such issue not only does harm to socialmorality but also impede the urbanization of migrant workers, and meanwhile itis not beneficial to promote new type of urbanization.The thesis tries to, startingwith morality and emotional feelings, analyze migrant worker issues from abrand new perspective. The thesis focus on what choices migrant workers willmake to live in cities with new policy, how they will acquire moral andemotional identity, and what we need to do to improve it in order to makecontributions to the urbanization of migrant workers. All these have certaintheoretical benefit to the comprehensive promotion of the process ofurbanization and of the harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:New type of urbanization, the urbanization of migrant workers, morality and emotional feeling, the cultivation of morality and emotionalfeeling, social morality
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