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Research On The Legality Of The Economic Sanctions Imposed By The International Community On Iran

Posted on:2016-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M D M o h a m m a d P i r Full Text:PDF
GTID:2296330470455631Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent times, International sanctions became a very important and significant way to threaten and put pressure on countries’ opponents, with their main target being to enforce political and law punishment through change of policy. In the case of Iran’s nuclear program, The United Nations, European Union, US and some other world powers issued many various resolutions and sanctions against Iran, which caused the Iranian economy to go bankrupted and collapse, as well carry out measures which are opposite to humanism. According to International law rules, the process of the majority of the sanctions taken out are not in accordance with relevant regulations and rules, with the main reasons of the sanctions just were simply political.This thesis in addition to the Preface, has three parts:the first part describes the concept of international economic sanctions on Iran. The emergence and development history and international economic sanctions.The second part of the thesis, examines the aforementioned sanctions from the perspective of international law; fully exploring the international community imposed economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and their legitimacy and fairness. The first part includes the United Nations sanctions against Iran legitimacy theory analysis, the relationship between the legal basis for sanctions and UN sanctions and the humanitarian program.The third part includes a legitimacy theoretical analysis, legal basis and other related research from the United States and other unilateral EU sanctions or parties represented. By studying the process for each of these sanctions, and the legitimacy of the circumstances surrounding each period of observation, we can learn and understand many of the rules of international sanctions in international law. This paper will take a different perspective of sanctions to the usual standard classification for sanctions in accordance to the relevant laws, regulations and research. In regards to sanctions imposed by the United States and other similar sanctions, regardless of their domestic law, the are many similarities between their sanctions and international law, particularly in the United Nations Charter areas of conflict.The forth section will analyze the influence of International sanctions on third-party countries. In addition, international sanctions will not only directly affect the country being sanctioned, but will indirectly affect many third-party countries. Therefore, in view of China being one of the largest economies in the world, and is the country’s largest trading partner of Iran, therefore Iran sanctions against China must have large impact. The most obvious example is that in recent years due to the implementation of the US unilateral sanctions against Iran’s oil, affecting China’s oil imports from Iran, resulting in China’s energy strategy to be challenged. This article will examine the impact of international sanctions of the People’s Republic of China in the third part of the paper, as well as researching the status of international sanctions and China’s current sanction status and furthermore, research the sanctions China initiated and the related legal cases and sanctions against China.
Keywords/Search Tags:UN charter, US’s sanctions, Economic sanctions, International law, Humanism
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