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Research On Immunity Of Good Samaritan

Posted on:2016-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330473959109Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In our society, a lot of Good Samaritans should assume legal responsibility due to the limitation on immunity on civil legal today. It is n ot conducive to encourage people to aid others and carry forward good atmosphere in the society. Faced with this predicament which demands prompt solution, we should be perfect legislation of the Good Samaritan immunity protection in our country in the future. The immunity of Good Samaritan is a very complex system, which covers the following aspects:how to determine the concept and application conditions of the Good Samaritan act, what the limitations of our current law for the protection of the hero immunity and how to perfect legislation of the Good Samaritan immunity protection in our country in the future.The author explains theoretical bases on the concepts of Good Samaritan and immunity, such as jurisprudence, philosophy, civil law, and systematically discusses the protection of Good Samaritan immunity, on the based of other countries’legislations. The innovation of this paper is to point out many limitations of the Good Samaritan immunity protection in civil law of our country based on China’s specific national conditions. Many provisions of foreign Good Samaritan Law are worthy of reference for the Good Samaritan immunity protection in legislation of our country. Further put forward the ideas of the legislation of Good Samaritan immunity in our law, such as to found a Good Samaritan law covers all country and write the terms of immunity of Good Samaritans, to protect their rights better. The paper aims to enrich the existing theory on toil law and provide some helps to perfect legislation and judicial of the Good Samaritan immunity protection in our country in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Good Samaritan, immunity, limitation, legislation
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