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The Value Analysis Of The 1954 Constitution

Posted on:2016-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
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From the viewpoint of value, the 1954 constitution, can give us a new view, that is, fromthe perspective of constitutional subject need to study the 1954 constitution of the standard ofvalue, the 1982 constitution may have some reference significance to us. This article firstfrom the 1954 constitution of the international and domestic background pen and the concretedescription of the constitutional scenario analysis, reflect the impact of the constitutionalsubject. The constitution value to discuss convenient, simple definition. In turn according tothe 1954 constitution reflected the basic structure of the analysis of the specific standard ofvalue: in the introduction, history shows that the legitimacy of constitutional review, additionshowed that the means of constitutional value, national relationship reflects the freedom andequality on the basis of the value, order value peace foreign policy reflects the order value,such as the united front embodies the value of order. In the citizens’ basic rights andobligations in rights reflect specific constitutional rights value is divided into equal rightsembody equality value, the property is the property value, political freedom and freedomvalue, reflect the utilitarian value of social rights. In obligations embody the value of theobligation to pay tax order and rich value, obligations and military service obligation to obeythe law embodies order value. In the aspect of political and economic system, political systemembodies the value of, the basic original manifest the value of democracy and the rule of lawvalue, national nature manifest the value of democracy, political power organization formmanifest the value of democracy, and military institutions form of state structure order value.Reflect the value of the economic system, the system of ownership rules manifest the value ofdemocracy and prosperity, state-owned economy manifest the value of democracy, order,procedures, rich and strong(powerful), cooperative economic value of democracy andefficiency. Value in national institutions: reflected in the authority of the value of the manifestthe value of democracy, rule of law, the application value of the National People’s Congress,NPC standing committee embody democratic method, the value, the value of democracy,order, and local people’s congresses. Reflect order value in the aspect of administrativeauthority, the chairman, reflect the rule of law, order, efficiency value of the state council,local people’s committee, manifest the value of democracy, rule of law, order, efficiency.In thenational judicial authority has court order and justice value, procuratorate value order,efficiency. The meaning of the 1954 constitution and two constant value, democratic valuesand rights value, the current constitution in democratic values, rights and the rule of law value,three sides facing the inheritance and development of the 1954 constitution.
Keywords/Search Tags:The 1954 Constitution, The Value of Constitution, The Analysis of Normative, The Analysis of Value
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