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On The Decriminalization Of Euthanasia

Posted on:2016-06-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YangFull Text:PDF
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Euthanasia has been a longtime and heated debated issue for a long time around the world. The legally decriminalization has just been accepted in a very few countries, such as in Netherlands. Even though the current situation of decriminalization of euthanasia is not so bright, there are more and more people as well as society have realized the necessity and importance of it. This is also the result of awakening of people’s legal consciousness. Apparently, there are many deficiencies in regarding euthanasia as a crime. One is that the criminalization of euthanasia has crossed out the benefits euthanasia brought to individuals as well as to the society. Another is that it is not easy for individuals to accept and digest such cruel articles. This writing is aimed to some extent to change those who hold the biased understanding towards euthanasia with massive theoretical and practical samples.This essay has four parts. The first part is to give the outline of euthanasia. It starts from the summarization and analysis of different opinions of scholars to the types and characteristics of euthanasia. The writer also combed the progressing and current situation of euthanasia in China. The second part aims at the theoretical classification of disputes to give convenience to the further analysis. The third part is the reasoning of decriminalization of euthanasia to give the rationality and legitimacy.Part four demonstrates the necessity of decriminalization of euthanasia and gives the value as well as some hints on the construction of the system of decriminalization of euthanasia in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:euthanasia, decriminalization, necessity, system construction
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