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Research On The Competitve Sport’s Injury Infringement

Posted on:2017-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As economy emerges, sports are getting more and more popular. With the strong support from our country and the whole world, the public sports passion is boosting even stronger. Since sports game, competitive sports in particular, are always accompanied with high risk, the completion of sports law has become a must to ensure the safety of all participants and the smooth development of sports course.The thesis hereby analyzes the injury occurred during competitive games, and, in accordance with the specific characteristics of competitive games, studies the specialty of athletes infringement, responsibilities assignment and exemption principle, hoping it may make a little contribution to sports infringement theory and law establishment.The specialty of sports infringement in competitive games involves the main body,occurrence time, subjective fault and so on. High frequency of physical conflict also results in high risk. As analyzed in the thesis hereby, the specialty can be reflected in case components,responsibilities assignment principles, burden of persuasion, exemption reasons, defending reasons, etc. Last, the general legal protection for sports infringement in competitive games and some existing problems are summarized as followed: a) indistinct responsible body; b) obscure principles for responsibility assignment; c) non-standardization of fault identification; d) low compensation level. With a brief introduction of related regulations and laws in developed countries like USA, US and Italy, a comparison is analyzed for learning and further improvement. At the end, suggestions are proposed to establish and complete China’s regulations and laws on sports infringement in competitive games, such as different infringements shall be distinguished by different responsible assignment principles and fault identification levels,clarify responsible body, increase and legalize the compensation level.
Keywords/Search Tags:competitive sports, sports infringement, infringement responsibility, infringement components, responsibilities assignment principles
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