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On The International Aviation On Passenger Transportation Responsibility In Montreal Convention

Posted on:2016-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L DingFull Text:PDF
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Along with the development of the aviation technology,the advantages of air transport are more obvious in the field of international transportation. At the same time, due to the air transportation’s convenience, flying has gradually become the best choice of the passengers. Although no means aviation flight safety, but for various reasons, aviation accidents still happen occasionally. Passengers are enjoying rapid,convenient air transport, Thus,in the field of aviation law,aviation passenger transport liability system becomes the focus of attention.In 1929 the establishment of the Warsaw convention promotes the development of the international air transport liability system and unity.Then,the Warsaw convention after modifying becomes Warsaw system. Double gradient responsibility system;The establishment of a quota regularly review mechanism,and it is the first time to introduce the arbitration clause.The research of the Montreal convention, these systems are not only beneficial to perfect legislation of our country’s aviation and are conducive to protect the interests of the parties in our country.In this background, the author choose the topic of Montreal Convention in international air passenger transportation responsibility system of new research around the Montreal convention in 1999 from the perspective of private international law and in-depth international air passenger transportation liability system of imputation principle,the quota system and other new regulation. By introducing the horse boat incident cases,discussing the Montreal convention systems and principles applicability in China, which is in order to put forward the corresponding perfecting suggestions for solving the problems of aviation passenger transport liability system in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Warsaw system, The Montreal Convention, Civil aviation tort, Double gradient quota system, The applicable law
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