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The Research On The Development Level Of Students’ Mathematics ’Double-base’

Posted on:2015-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330431966524Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Broadly, mathematics double-base is originated in the1950s, rapidly developedfrom the1960s to1980s and improved after the1980s.This article systematically researches the development levels of mathematicsdouble-base by literature analysis, theoretical construction method and empiricalresearch method. The specific idea is that research the implantation, root, growth anddevelopment of student’s mathematics double-base by combine the classical conclusionof mathematics, pedagogic and psychology, do research from the perspective ofmathematical cognition structure, mathematics composition and Solo classificationevaluation method.This article includes five parts. The first part is introduction, which primarilyshows five points. Firstly, explain the background, which expresses the confusion ofauthor. Secondly, account the specific problem including in what condition the studentcan be called double-base implantation, root, growth and development respectively.Thirdly, show the theoretical basis of this article such as mathematics cognitionstructure based on double-base, mathematics composition is the shape of individual’sdouble-base. Ultimately, express the research framework and keynote of this article.The second part is literature review. Summarize recent research progress ofmathematics double-base and analyze double-base respect to theoretical historical andempirical aspect. Many researchers contributed to double-base in knowledge andeducation field but few attentions are paid to individual double-base research. Studentmathematics double-base is a student-centered and completely new researchperspective. The following part is a brief outline of concept, which is a core of this article. Thispart has defined implantation, root, growth and development of student’s mathematicsdouble-base and exhibited mathematic compositions as examples of each level.The forth part is also a core part of this paper which expresses the developmentprocesses of student’s equation though mathematics composition. Summarize theframework of Chinese latest equation education, analyze the equation level students canreached in each grade in the conclusion part. Moreover, author revises the definition ofdouble-base growth, which adds the thought of mathematics because some studentspresented the return thought. At last conclude that the improvement from implantationto root is a major leap from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge, the progressfrom growth to development is a leap from rational knowledge to revolutionarypractice.The last part is conclusion, reflection and some ideas about further research. Firstlysummarize the main result and the innovation of this paper. Then rethink thedisadvantage and present the questions need further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:double-base, mathematics composition, Mathematical cognitive structure, Solo classification evaluation method, Implantation, root, growth, development
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