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The Research On Analysis Of Thinking-obstacles And Transforming Strategies Of Physics Problem Solving In Senior School Student

Posted on:2015-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330431974856Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Compared with junior middle school Physics, the high school students are expected to have higher ability to learn senior high school physics, since the knowledge is increased sharply and the learning progress is faster than the junior Physics. The physical thinking obstacles would affect the high school students’follow-up study severely if they can’t be solved opportunely. Through the research on physical thinking obstacles, this paper expected to find the thinking obstacles existing in the process of solving physical problems and the differences between students of different levels. And then propose different strategies to improve students’thinking skills.Through the understanding of the students’problems and consulting literature, six obstacles of thought are figured out and analyzed:the physical preconception obstacle of thought, the mathematical physics formulas obstacle of thought, the incomprehensive thinking obstacle of thought, the mindset obstacle of thought, the negative transfer obstacle of thought and the emotional obstacle of thought.The questionnaire is prepared based on the theory, and it is divided into two parts. The first part is a questionnaire to test the students’obstacle with physical exercises. The second part is about the self-Cognition of the students. About the test subjects, the students are chosen from those who are good or poor at learning Physics. And the author hopes to find the differences between them.The study shows that students had thinking obstacles in the process of physics learning and physics problem solving, but there are different between poor student and good student. There is a big gap in the physical preconception obstacle of thought, the incomprehensive thinking obstacle of thought, the mindset obstacle of thought, and the emotional obstacle of thought.This paper puts forward the following conversion strategy, which based on the analysis of the present situation. We should focus on the integration of learned and new knowledge, let the student pay more attention to the different between the life experience and the physical actual; We should train the students’ability of formula derivation, get into the habit of formula is derived, and pay attention to the grasp of formula physical meaning; We should develop the habit of review and summary, help them to construct the physics network structure; We should cultivate their ability of analysis and comparison. We should train the classic model and the common problems regularly, and develop the students’ability of physical knowledge and the method of transfer. We should pay more attention to the their extracurricular life and mental state, attaches great importance to the communication with students and their parents, to improve their enthusiasm of learning and psychological quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:High School Physics, Problem Solving of Physics, Obstacle of Thought, Transforming Strategies
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