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On Cultivating Socialist Core Values In Junior High School Physical Education

Posted on:2017-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S T WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330488960233Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Junior high school students are in puberty and rebellious period, which is the important stage of forming the values. Training students the correct values will lay a good foundation for the future success of the development of the students, but how to cultivate the students’ correct values has become an important task in the junior middle school education. School physical education is the important part of school teaching.This article concludes the necessity and feasibility of cultivating core values in junior high school physical education by differentiating the related concepts and investigating and analyzing the present situation of junior high school physical education in cultivating core values, putting forward some feasible strategy of cultivating the middle school students core values according to the specific characteristics of physical education teaching, so as to provide theoretical and practical support to achieve the purpose of cultivating socialist core values in the junior middle school sports teaching.This article is divided into three parts. The first part is implication of junior middle school sports teaching for cultivating socialist core values, mainly including the concept of core values and junior middle school sports teaching and necessity of cultivating socialist core value in junior middle school sports teaching. The second part is about the necessity of cultivating socialist core value in junior high school physical education according to the sports and health curriculum standard and junior high school physical education textbook, combined with results of H county on the part of the teacher and students by questionnaire, analyzing of the current situation of socialist core values education in junior middle school education, and summarizes the causes of difficulties in the cultivation of core values in junior middle school sports teaching. The third part is the strategies of promoting the socialist core values in junior high school physical education. This part is based on the situation and the reasons for the difficulties incultivating socialist core value view in junior high school physical education, putting forward the implementation strategies sports teaching in the teaching goal setting,teaching content, teaching environment settings, teaching evaluation mechanism of teachers development and team building in the junior middle school.The purpose of this study is to explore how to integrate the socialist core values into junior middle school sports teaching, broadening ways of the socialist core values teaching in junior high school. I hope that the study of the contents can make the junior high school sports workers attach more importance to the the cultivation of socialist core values in junior middle school sports teaching and that provide theoretical and practical reference of the core values of socialism in junior high school sports teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior middle school sports teaching, cultivation, socialist core values, analysis
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