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Research And Realization Of The Real-time Remote Video Surveillance

Posted on:2015-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H ZhenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467972322Subject:Control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, video surveillance system plays an important role in the field of securityprevention and control, which has been used from general large public spaces depth into small andmedium private spaces. Therefore, based on the direction of this market, this paper designs a stableperformance and low-cost remote video surveillance system.For domestic and foreign development status of video surveillance systems, this article analyzesthe video surveillance system problems, points out future trends, and designs a video surveillancesystem of web based on embedded ARM platform and Linux operating environments. This systemuses SamSung S3C6410microprocessor as the core processing module of the entire hardwaresystem, and has the front-end acquisition module (USB camera) and DM9000A network cards andother hardware peripherals. They make up a set of video surveillance hardware systems.Based on the hardware platform, this paper describes the software platform of the system,including building embedded development environment and development of application software.Establishing a development environment for embedded systems: Linux operating system based onFedora14shoud be installed at first; then building the cross-compiler environment; finallytransplanting embedded Linux system (boot loader, porting the kernel as well as mounting the rootfile) into hardware system. On this basis, this paper designs the overall video surveillance systemsoftware. This paper designs the video image acquisition module based on V4L2; processes eachframe which is the core part of the software modules, including the JPEG compression algorithmselection, design and improvement; then transports image data based on TCP/IP protocol socket(socket) technology; sets up a Web server configuration, designs and implements displaying onclient monitor screen.Through testing and implementation of video surveillance system, the results prove that thesystem is stable and the picture quality is clear and smooth. This system can be real-time videosurveillance under normal conditions, meet the needs of individual applications for small andmedium establishments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Video Surveillane, ARM, Embedded Linux, JPEG, Embedded Web Server
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