In2008, after the first on-line group purchase company Groupon founded in Chicago, U.S.,this new electronic commerce type is developing fast, which can merge the area regional demandby the power of the Internet and increase the capability of negotiating buying price with seller. In2010, on-line group purchase came into China and the number of group purchase seller quicklyincreased to2000with8.86billion RMB trading volume. Because of the rapid developing trend andthe profit capability, countless imitators were draw into this industry and caused serioushomogeneous competition and failures of many group purchase website due to the defectiveindustrial regulations. To seize the opportunity of this industry, the purpose of consumers and theinfluence factors are necessary. Based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Diffusion ofInnovations (DIT), the author researched the factors which will influence the consumer’s behaviorof using the on-line group purchase website.Based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Diffusion of Innovations (DIT), Thispaper researched the on-line group purchase behavior of consumer, considering the demographicsof the consumers and using the relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, try characteristics,perceived risk, trust, external influence, behavioral intention, behavior9variables.This paper obtained information by deep interviews and questionnaire investigation andcarried out empirical research using SPSS and AMOS as analysis tools.This thesis has6charters. The first charter is introduction including the background, purpose,main content. The second charter is the summary of online group-buying, Technology AcceptanceModel (TAM) and Diffusion of Innovations(DIT), through literal review. The structure of theembryonic form is in charter3base on the basic theory, the previous research result and the featureof online group-buying. The interview content and the research paper are designed in charter4according to model variable and measurement items. In charter5, Data analysis software will beused to analyze and test the hypothesis and refine the model. The last charter is to obtain theconclusion for the consumers’ patterns of behavior in online group-buying: The relative strengthsabout consumers’ patterns of behavior inonline group-buying of high and low ranking followingbycrowd: the relative advantage, perceived risk, external influence, trust, try characteristics,compatibility, perceived risk, which has negative influence for behavioral intention and complexityaffecting behavioral intention in online group-buying is not obvious. Base on this conclusion, theauthor will provide the marketing strategy. |