Enterprise transformation,a series of strategic adjustments and changes to help the organization adapt to the rapid-changing environment,it is necessary for enterprise to take the transformation to match the original business and the external environment.The dynamic capabilities theory is considered as the capability about integrating resources and updating capability to adapt the environment.From the definitions of dynamic capabilities and enterprise transformation,it is easy to find that dynamic capabilities can support the transformation.According to the researches about enterprise transformation,dynamic capabilities and industrial cluster,the transformation strategies of SMEs in industrial cluster can be divided into products transformation,organization transformation,technology transformation and market transformation,the dynamiccapabilitiesof SMEsinindustrialclustercanbedividedintolearningcapability,integratingcapability and external coordination capability.In the theoretical analysis,the paper analyzed the particularities about dynamic capabilities of the SMEs in industrial cluster.The paper constructed competition game model of the transforming SMEs in industrial cluster under the complete information condition,and verified that dynamic capabilities support the transformation strategies of SMEs in industrial cluster;It takes a further study that the relationships between three dimensions of dynamic capabilities and four transformation strategies;Dynamic environmentplaystheregulating rolebetween dynamiccapabilitiesand transformation strategies.In empirical study,it takes time to achieve research data of SMEs in Zhejiang Datang stockings industrial cluster by surveying questionnaires and face-to-face investigation,and made empirical research with the collected data by descriptive statistics analysis,correlation analysis,stepwise regression analysis,structural equation model analysis.Finally,the paper took some advices from the aspects of transformation enterprise,local government andindustrialassociation.Thevaluableresultswegotasfollows:(1)The dynamic capabilities of SMEs in industrial cluster can be divided into learning capability,integrating capability and external coordination capability.Learning capability and integrating capability,learning capability and external coordination capability,integrating capability and external coordinationcapabilityareallofsignificantcorrelation.Learningcapability,integratingcapabilityandexternalcoordinationcapabilitypromotewitheachothertoimprovethedynamiccapabilities.(2)Dynamic capabilities promote the products transformation,organization transformation,technology transformation and market transformation,but each dimensions of dynamic capabilities:learning capability,integrating capability and external coordination capability plays different roles in the transformation strategies.For the products transformation,technology transformation and organization transformation,learning capability is the most important,for the market transformation,integrating capability is themostimportant.Externalcoordinationcapabilitycannotpromotetheproductstransformationsignally.(3)The regulating action exists between dynamic capabilities and products transformation,between dynamic capabilities and technology transformation,between dynamic capabilities and market transformation,butitdoesnotexistbetweendynamiccapabilitiesandorganizationtransformation.(4)Transformation enterprise,local government and industrial association should take measures as followsto promotethesuccessratiooftransformation:SMEsin industrialclustershouldcultivatethedynamic capabilities in time;Local government and industrial association should help the SMEs in industrial cluster cultivate the dynamic capabilities by optimizing the public resources and platform in industrial cluster,improvingthequalitysupervisionmechanism. |