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Study On The Rational Picture Form In John Sell Cotman’ Watercolors

Posted on:2017-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q YinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The prosperity of modern watercolor paintings attributes the success to a large number of outstanding watercolorists during the 18 and 19 century in England.During this period the distinguished British watercolorist Cotman,his paintings have a strong sense of form and with distinctive personal characteristics and some important features of Modern Painting language,is leading on watercolors in his time.This paper aims to analysis of the unique features of watercolors by Cotman and causes of his painting elements and characteristics and the influence on the later,then explores the unique rational image schema,which have a guiding significance to the composition of watercolors.
Keywords/Search Tags:John Sell Cotman, Watercolors, rational
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