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Study On The Art Design Methods Of The Modern Installation Landcape

Posted on:2017-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330503989953Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the city,landscape design has been diversified. However, in this process, designers pay more attention to the speed of development, while ignore both the cultural connotation in the modern landscape design and the traditional design’s spirit.Probably, landscape designers have also been forgetten the social responsibility they should bear. Yet in this age of natural ecological design, landscape art which advocates the use of natural elements to create plays an important role in the study of landscape design, and the emergence of a new artistic techniques is conducive to ease the problem of cultural loss in landscape design.The unique design concept of landscape art is applied to the landscape design in the city,And then integrates into regional culture and other elements.It will create wonderful design works with a distinctive character, the idea of a novel and rich sense of the times. In a word,ecological art will play a huge role in promoting the development of landscape design.With the rapid development of the city, the problem of ecological environment has become more and more prominent, which makes us pay more and more attention to the nature.Landscape art is a product of such a large environment.Landscape designers gradually integrate landscape art into their own design. This design,breaking the traditional art form, makes the earth landscape enter the actual space of people’s life in a new form.Landscape installation art regard nature as the creation stage to pursue the pure art and the harmony and balance between people and nature.In the city, people can appreciate the works of non- natural materials in parks, communities, bus stations and cultural exhibition hall.However, installations which faithfully reproduce the original natural and contain certain art are rare.Therefore, the motivation of this study is: Discussion which form of art creation should be when it integrates into the natural ecological environment appropriately.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inatallation art of landscape, Landscape design, Ecological protection
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