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The Thinks And Practice About Contemporary Chinese Imagery Landscape Oil Paintings

Posted on:2017-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512455827Subject:Fine arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Contemporary landscape oil painting art has uncommon development in China,and presents diversified creation features in 21 century when political barriers is under breaking,which exist various styles which develop jointly.Systematically analyzed and compared,it could be found that diversified creation situations are led by an aesthetic criterion,that is how to make landscape oil painting art which comes from western culture to be rooted in China,realize the nationalization and sinicization of oil painting,and create oil paining works which indicate Chinese aesthetic interest.Because of this,the paper will starts with the development and evolution of Chinese landscape oil painting to pry into contemporary “image” portraiture of Chinese landscape oil painting,then combining writer’s oil painting practices,the paper will comprehensively interpret the image landscape oil painting from multiple directions and multiple dimensions such as the techniques of creation,and painting language.The paper is divided into three chapters: the first chapter mainly summarizes the origin and construction of contemporary Chinese landscape oil painting,and analyzes the differences between Chinese image landscape oil painting and western image landscape oil painting;the second and the third chapter will interpret the semantic analysis of the “image” of contemporary Chinese landscape oil painting and the nation temperament shew thereby respectively.In general,the paper aims at finding forming reason of image and the intrinsic necessary connection between it and Chinese culture by analyzing the “image” of contemporary Chinese landscape oil painting to demonstrate the significance of contemporary landscape oil painting on the historical course of nationalization of Chinese oil painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contemporary China, Landscape Oil Painting, Image
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